Kodex EE Roadmap

The following new features are on our roadmap. Please note that features can be re-prioritized and deadlines are based on a best effort estimate, so there can be deviations.


  • Enable the SQL-based, encrypted parameter storage mechanism. This will allow customers to securely sync parameters to a persistent PostgreSQL database, replacing the file-based append-only storage mechanism. (Q3 2024)

Design / UI

  • Allow enterprise users to show their own company logo alongside the KODEX logo. (Q3 2024)


  • Blueprint documentation will be provided using a printable layout, which e.g. allows exporting it as a PDF for internal documentation. (Q4 2024)


  • Ability to see and revert to previous versions of a blueprint/project.
  • Availability of a full audit log capturing all changes made to data structures through the API. (Q3 2024)
  • Simplification of the blueprint editor. (Q4 2024)


  • Ability to easily run the de-pseudonymization action. (Q4 2024)

Import / Export

  • Better import & export options for blueprints, e.g. the ability to convert between JSON & YAML based formats. (Q4 2024)

Implemented Features

The following features were already implemented.

  • Changes to blueprints will be subject to a change request process that allows role-based editing & reviewing to ensure quality & privacy standards.
  • Ability to delete test data.